Who We Are & What We Do
We aim to be a safe haven for all endo warriors while gaining awareness about the illness itself. We offer information, resources, community, and support to others with endometriosis and their loved ones. We vow to keep this space completely inclusive. We welcome warriors of all genders, sexualities, race, etc. Please reach out to us with any concerns here.
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“I am amongst a community of warriors.”
― Bethany Stahl,
Hi, I’m Maddy
I was diagnosed with endometriosis just before my 22nd birthday, in the summer of 2021. I've struggled with very painful and heavy periods since my first one at 12 years old. It wasn't until 2020 that I started to experience constant, chronic pain outside my period. I was extremely lucky to get diagnosed so quickly. Since joining endo communities, like Facebook groups for example, I've learned that many others aren't as lucky. As I started my journey of finding treatment and pain relief, I soon learned that many people- doctors even- are uneducated or mistaken about endometriosis. I also learned that research and treatment for this diseases is horribly underfunded, even though it affects so many people. I want to share my story and others' to help gain awareness. I also want to create a safe space for fellow endo warriors to get support and arm themselves with information.
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